Search Results
Planning FMD surveillance system in Brazil: A shift to free zone where vaccination is not practised
A. Diaoure - FMD surveillance and control in Mali
The EuFMD Open Session - SESSION II (10 December 2020)
The EuFMD Open Session - SESSION III (15 December 2020)
Vaccination Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease the implications for FMD
IDER Plan: Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
Industry Webinar on FMD and LSD #3
DG NCDC On Disease Surveillance And Control
Dr. Sander - From Farmer to Veterinarian: Syndromic Surveillance for Transboundary Animal Diseases
Foot and mouth disease in South Africa
EuFMD: Learning through Lockdown: How far can we go with delivering online support to countries
Dr. Pam Hullinger - Response and Recovery Challenges Faced in FMD Outbreaks in Other Countries